So, I just have to say that I am SO excited FALL is here!! I just had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks this weekend, and it was fabulous! I am also going to the mountains this weekend with my hubby and some friends and we're going apple picking! I can't wait.. :) I think I'm pretty much obsessed with apples and pumpkins. I made pumpkin cupcakes this weekend for our Carolina vs. Georgia game party at our house, I have pumpkin decorations ALL over the house, and just thinking about apple picking makes me kind of giddy inside. Fall is just happy, and it means Christmas is just around the corner, which is my favorite too. Anyway....enough about WOW! These JOURNEYS lessons are kicking my butt! They are taking f-o-r-e-v-e-r to make. Blah! My poor husband has to put up with a laptop glued to my lap for hours. Haha. I can't wait for Thanksgiving break so I can get ahead a little. :) I just finished Lesson 6, though, so if you teach Journeys, it is ready for download on TPT. Have a wonderful week and God Bless! Beth
We are SOOOOO excited! Life and teaching truly is SIMPLY SWEET! Katie won District Teacher of the Year last night for Columbia County, Georgia!! Whoohoo! She called me on her way home from the banquet while driving her brand new MERCEDES..what?! I'm so jealous! Haha. Congrats Katie!! You're an awesome teacher and I'm so blessed have an awesome blog with you too! Just make sure I get a ride in the new Mercedes..... :)
Welcome to Simply SWEET TEAching! We are Beth & Katie, college roommates, best friends, and teachers (Katie is 1st Grade and Beth is 2nd grade) from the fabulous Southern states of Georgia and South Carolina ....and our goal through this blog is to maintain the rigor and relevance in our classrooms by teaching lessons that are purposeful, practical, and standards-based. We are aware more than ever of the high level of expectation for students and teachers, and we hope to meet that expectation by creating engaging and meaningful learning experiences. We hope that by following our blog, you will find some great ideas and resources for your primary classroom! Have a blessed day and don't hesitate to send us an email if you have any questions or suggestions...