TGIF!! How come four day weeks always seem longer?! Haha. I can't believe I am already done with week 3 of school! My how time flies.... My 2nd graders are doing beautifully so far this year, and I am LOVING how much more independent they are than my little firsties last year. I loved my first graders...but WOW...what a difference! The words, "Okay, now let's use our editor's marks to edit and revise our writing" would have never come out of my mouth during the first week of school. It took us that long just to get procedures down. So it's been a nice change, needless to say....though I do miss my wonderful first grade team members!

Anyway, as any of you who have gone from teaching 1st Grade to 2nd Grade know, there are many overlaps with the standards and a lot of review, especially at the beginning of the year. So, while I have been able to use some of my same ideas as last year, I've had to tweak them to make them more 2nd Grade appropriate. I've been working on revamping my Vowel Word Work packs, and I thought I'd share one of my activities as a FREEBIE! My kids have enjoyed doing this fun write the room activity,

and it is more challenging than a traditional word sort because the kids aren't just sorting words that are already written.....they are having to look at pictures, think of the sounds, and write the words themselves. Click one of the pictures to download! Enjoy!!
Have a great weekend!! - Beth