Happy Fall Ya'll!! I can't believe it's already the end of October! It's so crazy. I feel like school just started... But tomorrow will be a wake up call reminding me that we're already 1/4 of the way through the school year, because 1st 9 weeks report cards go home! Yet another highlight of this week is going to be Halloween! Although I'm SO not into all the creepy, scary, vampire & zombie stuff that has overtaken the month of October, I do love fall and the silly-fun side of Halloween..which is why I'm looking forward to doing some neat Fall/Halloween activities with my kids on Thursday. I've been working for a couple of weeks on a Halloween math activity pack for my math stations that are based on the 2nd Grade Common Core standards. I can't wait to use it with my kids this week! I think they are going to have a blast! Anyway, for those of you who are needing a last minute fun and engaging activity to do with your kiddos on Halloween, here is a freebie for you! (Click on the picture to download). If you like this freebie, check out my Spooktacular Halloween Common Core Math Activities Pack in my TP Store. Happy Halloween!! Love, Beth