So, now that the holidays are over I actually have some time to blog about them! Pretty sad, huh? I sometimes only find time to blog about holiday related stuff AFTER the actual holiday has passed (Does anyone else have this issue??) and now nobody wants to read about the holidays, but maybe you can use the ideas for next year!! This year was truly the year of the SNOWMAN! Everything this year ended up being snowman themed. I didn't really plan it that way, but it all came together and was a blast!!

- one plastic plate for each table group
- 1-2 cans shaving cream (get the cheap stuff - Barbasol)
- 1 bottle of Elmer's school glue for each table group
- Paper buttons, eyes, and noses cut out
DIRECTIONS: Squirt a big pile of shaving cream (entire diameter of plate and about 5 inches high or so) onto each plate to go at each table group. Pour a whole bottle of glue on top of each shaving cream pile. Mix the shaving cream and glue on each plate together and put at each table. After the kids are done snow painting, give them paper buttons, eyes, and noses to press into the snow while it is still wet. It will dry and stick to the snowman.

- Class set of plastic ball ornaments from Wal-Mart
- 3 large bags of cotton balls
- black fabric paint (the kind that dries puffy)
- orange fabric paint (the kind that dries puffy)
- ribbon for ornament hanger
- Give each student an ornament.
- Show them how to remove the ornament top.
- Let students stuff cotton balls into the glass ball until it is filled almost to the top.
- Replace the ornament tops.
- Paint eyes and mouths on the snowmen with black puff paint.
- Paint a carrot nose on the snowmen with orange puff paint.
- Write names on the backside of each students' ornament with a black sharpie.
For our holiday party, we also played the snowman race game. I did not come up with this idea, and I'm not sure who to attribute the idea to, but a friend told me about it, and it ended up being a blast!! I think it was probably one of the funniest games I've ever played with my kids.
All I did was put the kids into groups of 3. I gave each group one roll of toilet paper, three paper buttons, a paper carrot nose, and a scarf (strip of fleece fabric fringed on the ends). I let them choose which one of them would get to be the "snowman." When I said go, they used the toilet paper to wrap up their "snowman" friend and decorate him. Whichever group got finished first was the winner. After each round, I gave the groups another round of toilet paper, and we raced again and let them choose another student be the "snowman." After 3 rounds, all 3 students in each group had gotten a chance to get wrapped up. We reused the buttons, carrot nose, and scarf each time and just got a new roll of toilet paper for each round. The kids thought this game was hilarious and so did I!! So much fun....
- 1 roll of toilet paper for each child in your class
- strips of fleece fabric for "scarves" (enough for each group of 3 students to have 1 scarf)
- paper buttons (3 buttons for each group of 3 students)
- paper carrot nose (1 carrot for each group of 3 students)
Our day of snowman fun was a blast!! I can't wait to come up with some fun new ideas for next year! Hope you all had a Happy New Year!!