Hi Blogland! I am slightly embarrassed to say that it has been over 2 years since I posted on this blog of mine.... A LOT has changed since April 2014. Goodness gracious has it ever. I got pregnant. I had our first baby....a sweet little boy named Harrison, who is now 17 months. Here is my little squish! (Left - 7 months. Right - 16 months). I can't believe how big he is getting!!

Now, of course it is mid-July and I am trying to get into teacher mode. I can't believe school starts back in less than a month! Where has the time gone?!?! After getting like a bazillion comments on my TPT store over the past several weeks asking when I was going to be updating my Clipchart Behavior Management System file for 2018-2019, I decided I better get on it. I have been blown away by the TPT buyer loyalty to this product. I have been creating it for over 4 years and so many customers have religiously come to purchase each school year. I love reading all of the comments of how it has helped teachers in their classrooms with not only management, but daily parent communication.
Well, little squish spent the morning playing with his friends at daycare just so I could finish up this product, and HERE IT IS! After listening to feedback from customers, I made some tweaks to the calendars so there are more options for teachers and I also created a set of blank clip chart posters for teachers who want to use different wording on each color. If you no longer use a clip chart system, there is a behavior calendar option for each month that doesn't have clip chart info as well. Click on the picture to download this system for only $3.00 in my TPT store. Or, if you have purchased the earlier version and only need the updated calendars for this school year, click HERE. I hope this system is as helpful to you all this year as it has been in years past! Happy teaching!!
- Beth