Saturday, July 7, 2012

Proud Sponsor of the IKEA Clasroom

  So fellow blogger, Katie, and I had a little road trip, if you will, to IKEA Charlotte on Thursday, and boy did we rack up on some classroom goodies!!  Minus sore backs from lifting heavy shelves into the back of the SUV and one item out of stock, our trip was FABULOUS, as all trips to IKEA usually are.  We love the iconic IKEA experiences...spinning shopping carts in the ginormous elevator, eating Swedish meatballs in the IKEA cafeteria, and watching all the pregnant women and their husbands stock up on baby stuff... haha.  Each year I keep telling myself that I can't possibly buy anything else for my classroom or organize things any better than the year before, but I always prove myself wrong!  So here are some of the IKEA storage units I purchased and what I am using them for.  I can't wait to set everything up in my classroom!!  And of course, all the drawers will have any true Type A teacher would do.  If you are in need of some organization, IKEA is the place to be! Do any of you have these in your classrooms or have other uses for them?? I'd love your ideas!!
    - Beth
This would be for storing posters and other large paper items.
I want to use this for all the different kinds of writing supplies - handwriting paper, notebook paper, folded books, How-To books paper, letter writing paper, etc.
This is my personal favorite! This is the TROFAST frame. I bought two of these..  I am using the cute lime green colorful drawers like in the picture below and storing math manipulatives in each drawer like dominoes, pattern blocks, Base 10 Blocks, etc.
This is the small TROFAST frame and I want to use one or two of these to store my Daily 5 Word Work and Listen to Reading materials.  


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